Monday, March 10, 2014

7 Weeks to a Better Social Media You

After three days in bed with the flu, I was up and running this afternoon and tonight and was able to get my thoughts together for my Storify collection.

Please review my post -- 7 Weeks to a Better Social Media You -- and post your comments, either here or on Storify.

Particularly, let me know if you think I've explained enough the promotional efforts made on behalf of Liebling Realized.

Thanks to one and all in advance for your assistance.


  1. Hi Mike,

    Hope all is well! I checked out your Storify and you personalized it greatly, there is some great work there!

    Just a few suggestions:

    There are some grammar/punctuation errors [number bullets one has a comma instead of a period], under quantitative objectives your last sentence contains an ", and" that I don't believe belongs there. I would just double-check small instances like that throughout your paper.

    I would tie in your activities into your analysis. You highlight great points by integrating the Storify elements, but you do not touch on how certain social activities directly correlate back to your blog performance. This analysis will help to strengthen your paper.

    Your activities should not only tie in examples of your social integration, but how different tactics engaged new readers and how your discussions on your blog were successful as well. You you change any of your strategies throughout the course if you did not meet your goals? What social strategies and tactics worked for you?

    I hope this helps, you're off to a great start!


  2. Mike,
    Great job. Your story has really come together nicely. I really like the tile. I like in your goals section you incorporated your Twitter and Pinterest followers, as feel as noting your goals for them. Great use of integration. I like you you added a personal picture under your week 4 title. As you mention, it does personalized the story.
    Keep it up.


  3. Mike,

    I really enjoyed your quote in your intro. Comparing social media to the printing press really made me think. Social media is currently the best way to quickly share ideas with people, just like the printing press was in it’s time. You also did a good job of presenting your plan by saying that you wanted to create an accessible fun atmosphere on your blog. The policy you provided also supports this statement. I also found it interesting that you divided your objectives into qualitative and quantitative goals. I enjoyed this because it allowed the reader to see what your goals were in terms of the feel of the site and experience of the project, while also putting some numbers to it to ensure that you pursue these goals.

    You did a great job of separating your analysis into sections corresponding to individual goals. This made it easy to follow and helped me to see where you met or exceeded goals and where you did not quite reach them. You mention that you fell short of your goal for comments during one week. If you could do that week over are there any strategies you would use to meet that goal?

    Great Post!

  4. Mike,

    Your revisions/additions look great. I like the level of detail you provided within your Activity section - it's just enough and has great images to support the text. Also, within your Measurement section I like how you segmented Traffic and Engagement.

    Overall, I think your Storify paper is very easy to follow and well-organized. Looks great!

